Monday, December 28, 2009
Welcome to a brand new year. The next post to the blog will contain important dates and announcements, but for this post, I wanted to include something from an article I ran across recently. The writer wondered what it really took for students to be ready for school and asked around. The results of her survey are compiled in the following list. While the results may not be scientifically verified, I think most of us would agree with her findings. Also, while circumstances we face may cause some things on the list to be more difficult to achieve than others, most things the writer indicates are absolutely free. Staff and parents can work together to provide so many of these items and ensure that each child will be 100% ready for school and life.
The twenty things a student really needs to be ready for school are:
1. A No.2 pencil and a willingness to erase.
2. A healthy respect for themselves and others, especially their teachers.
3. An awareness that the world does not revolve around them and that they alone are responsible for their actions.
4. Parents (or grandparents or caregivers) who teach by example a love for reading, learning and life.
5. An assurance that school is a good, safe place;their teachers will like them; and their parents won't leave town without them.
6. An understanding that school is their "job" and no one else can or will do it for them.
7. A system for exchanging communication between school and home; a backpack for notes that need to be signed; an emergency phone number that always works; a quiet place and a consistent time to do homework; a daily chance to read aloud and be read to.
8. A plan for getting to school on time every morning and back home every afternoon.
9. A pet to care for, clean up after and come home to.
10. A public library card and regular chances to use it.
11. Someone to welcome you them when they come home from school; to laugh at their jokes, answer their questions and listen, really listen to what they say and don't say.
12. The power of knowing how it feels to give anonymously and sacrificially to help someone less fortunate.
13. The encouragement to try new things; the freedom to fail ; and the chance to try again.
14. The gifts of being well fed, well rested, well mannered and well covered for medical, dental and after-school care.
15. The confidence to know how to deal with bullies(stand up straight, look them in the eye, don't start a fight, but don't back down); how to ask questions (raise your hand and wait to be called on); and to never, ever stop asking questions, especially "why?"
16. To feel they're the best (or almost best or pretty good at least) at something; and it's OK not to be good at everything.
17. To spend more time with humans and less time with machines
18. To have nothing to do once in a while but to look at clouds or make up songs or daydream.
19. More than anything else, they need someone to love them unconditionally, no matter what, regardless of their grades; someone to beam at them; someone to light up whenever they walk into the room.
20. Finally, they need to know that school won't last forever(despite how it may seem) but learning is a lifelong process.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It has been a while since the last post to your blog. I would like to highlight so many wonderful things that have been happening at school.
Our fundraiser was a great success and The PTA is able to help support our program.
Mr. Martinez and the ESL department had parents volunteers to sponsor our second annual Hispanic food tasting festival. Students sampled many dishes native to Hispanic culture. Everything was great and the students really enjoyed the food. We are always looking for ways to teach students they are part of a bigger world.
Upcoming events-
Skate Night-November 30
Holiday Musical program featuring our fifth grades-Dec 11-6:30
Mother/Son and Father/Daughter holiday social-December 17-6-8:30. (The PTA is looking for volunteers.) Students attending must be current students of Gibson. Parents and grandparents and other significant adults are welcome to attend. Advance ticket sales are available.
Science fair projects due by all fifth grade students this Tuesday, December 1. This project is a major part of Science grade in the second quarter.
Students in grades K-2 will take experience a science carnival-this is an interactive way to learn about science with rotating stations and special guest presentations.
This season is all about giving and as a school we are committed to helping model for students the importance of sharing with others. Upcoming information will indicate ways families in need can get assistance.
We also have a video library with materials parents can check out that are topics of interest-helping with homework, building self confidence and having conferences are a few of the topics.
Please contact the principal for more information.
We will also sponsor a parent "make it-take it " session and workshop to give you as parents some ideas to help your students. Mr. Leak, our Title parent coordinator, will give more information.
Mr. Walter Funderburk, our home school coordinator, has been home recuperating from illness and we hope he will return soon. I know he has been in contact over the years with many of you and Mr. Leak will help in that capacity as well.
Finally, Let me take this time to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season. We wish you love, joy and peace for you and yours.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
October 20, 21 and 22 are our end of quarter testing days. Students in grades 3-5 will be taking multiple choice tests that will review how well they mastered skills from the first quarter. The results will not be available until after the fall break. The grades are not used for report cards but rather to give teachers some insight to skills students may need for extra review. Please have students at school on time in order to complete testing in a timely manner.
Report cards will be sent home on November 10.
NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 11 (Veteran's Day)
More information to come !
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thank you for all of your support of our fall fundraiser. The PTA is very optimistic and appreciative of everyone's efforts. The fundraiser items and prizes will be back in mid-November. We will send out information to remind everyone as the dates grow closer.
New grading scale-The WSFCS district has adopted a uniform grading scale for students in grades 3-5. For third graders, it is the first time many have letter grades to identify progress. For other students and families, this scale may be very different than what you have seen in the past. The grading scale is:
92-85= B
84-77= C
76-70= D
69 and below =F
WSFCS policy states that teachers use a variety of measures to determine grades, not just numerical scores. Averaging grades is not the sole determiner of a child's grade. Teachers shared with parents on Curriculum night the percentages different activities count toward a final grade. (ex. tests=30%, participation=20%, projects=20%, quizzes=20%, homework=10%). I have stated examples, please check with your child's teacher to get an accurate description. This policy applies to 3-5 grade only. K-2 teachers will continue to use their grading process for students in those grades.
Today our 5th grade students participated in their annual egg drop contest. Students were to design the best way or device in which an egg could be dropped from a particular height and not break. The students had many creative tries and some eggs "survived" the fall. Great job, 5th graders.
Thursday, October 8 will be our ESL night starting at 5:30. All Parents are invited to come out and learn about our English as a second language program. Refreshments will be served.
Please give to our Triad Flight of Honor donation jar in the lobby. We would like to give a donation in honor of Mr. Julian Gibson, a WWII veteran and the namesake of our school.
Websites your child may enjoy- Prek-2nd grade K-5th grades-lots of links to other sites and activities
Have a great weekend and feel free to leave a comment.
PS-SAD NEWS-Shanta Staggers, the father of two Gibson students, passed away unexpectedly over the weekend. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
This blog is just for you, the parents of Gibson Elementary to learn more about what goes on at our school, teaching strategies used in your child's classroom and other items of interest to you. You may also leave comments and ask questions. I will post the blog weekly. I hope to post each Wednesday to match our "packet" day.
There will be regular topics discussed an links to other places. Feel free to view with your child as well. I will still maintain a webpage at wsfcs homepage.
PBS corner-you have no doubt (we hope) heard a lot about den dollars, shopping days, raffles and PBS. That's how we like it. As you know, our school started a new program for behavior and expectations. We have already seen a drastic improvement with student behavior and a significant decrease in office referrals. Go to
to learn more about this national program. In the coming weeks, we will provide more information about GIBSON PRIDE (our core values) and post to my website well.
- Curriculum Night-Thursday, October 1. Come and find out about specific things your child will be learning this quarter and year. Teachers will share grading practices, long range planns, ways to help your child and much more. We will provide childcare for school age children (K-5th grade) so that you may concentrate on the presenation
K-2 grade: 6:00-7:00
3-5 grade: 7:00-8:00
Check with your child's teacher concerning the location of the meeting. Some grades are meeting as a group and some are meeting in classrooms.
ESL Night-October 8-All parents are invited to this meeting that will discuss the ESL program and how students with English as a Second Language are served. Refreshments will be served.
Please check the school website for other dates of importance.
Reminders-Please send in an old over sized T-shirt for your child to use in Art class. In addition to keeping messes down, having to not share a shirt is another way to minimize spreading of germs especially during this current flu season.